Bob's Burgers, which premiered in a mini half-season last spring, had me after the second episode. Similar to The Simpsons, Bob's Burgers has a quirky family with the popular format of two girls and a boy, although they're all teenaged. Also similar to the Simpsons, Bob's feels relatively timeless and writes their episodes in a manner that actually revolves around a plot, and sometimes a secondary plot line, which, after the first season, showed that it worked quite well. "Weekend at Mort's," where Bob and family stay at his next-door neighbor's mortician house and work-space, and he and wife Linda simultaneously re-enact their Honeymoon...or, at least it happened in Linda's head. This episode yielded some exemplary quotations, especially from Linda during the Jimmy Pesto restaurant scene. "AWWWWWRIIIIGHT, CANNOLIS!"
My favorite character shifts between Bob, whose authority within the family has been diluted by everyone else's self-interests, and Louise, the spunky youngest daughter who is obviously one of the craftier and wittier members of the family. Louise always inexplicably wears the bunny-ear hat. Any character though, including early secondary characters like Mort and rival Jimmy Pesto, are capable of delivering an LOL-moment. A show like this in its early stages can be a little more simplistic, but also funnier because expectations are so low.
This was also a springboard to teach me about the existence of Kristen Schaal, who has been added to my "inexplicable celebrity crushes" list. I've already been ridiculed for being late to the game on her, but I've seen many a clip of hers from Flight of the Conchords. Suffice to say, her best work prior to Bob's Burgers came from The Daily Show.
If FOX is smart, and they're not, they'll keep Bob's Burgers coming in the 7:30 spot, and will move it to 7:00 whenever The Simpsons finally rolls over. Seth McFarland will probably have the other three prime time slots on Sunday night, per usual, and they'll still all suck.
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