But, that's not really what inspired this post. Getting to the bathroom can be a challenge between classes sometimes. It's a sacrifice. I can stay in my room and risk bladder explosion, or run to the bathroom during passing time and let the rapscallions alone in my room, doing who-knows-what to my computer and stereo, sticking pencils in the ceiling, and drawing inappropriate stick figures on my dry-erase board. In this case, it was a sacrifice that had to be made.
I entered the bathroom and luckily there was an open urinal, which, during passing time, is not always a luxury. (On a side-note, every time I walk into the bathroom, I half expect to witness a drug deal going down, or a poor freshman getting swirlied in the toilet. Luckily, neither of those things were happened, or have happened during this schoolyear. Yet.) As I was just about finished relieving myself, an anonymous student walked in and claimed the first stall. (I say anonymous because my back was to him, thus prohibiting me from learning his true identity.) He made it quite clear that his appearance in the bathroom was noted by singing loudly and humming. He locked the stall, loudly unzipped his pants, dropped trou, and occupied his throne, also rather loudly.
The bathroom was rather quiet at this point, and voices tend to project anyway since things echo in the lavatories. This student then proceeded to announce, "Ya'll ready for this?" and started beat-boxing the popular tune that often serves as a spark-plug for football fans across the nation.
As a teacher, my first inclination was, "Gross. You need an audience for this?" But then, as my inner-13-year-old took over, I couldn't help but contain my laugh to a simple grin. It was funny. It really was.