Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sunday Thought, #1

Isn't having a place kicker, and punter, kind of lame for a sport that otherwise encourages toughness and durability? I view this as the same thing as having the position of "all-time runner" in baseball.  Ryan Braun hits the ball, then some Jamican speedster just zips out from behind the batter's box to second on a routine grounder to third. (I suppose that would actually be exciting...Ussain Bolt would definitely break records for inside-the-park home runs.)

But back to kickers...the new rule change (kicking off from the 35 instead of the 30) eliminates many exciting opportunities for touchdown returns and game-changing turnovers. It seems like all kickers have to do is kick the ball off of a tee from the 35 yard line, and a clutch field goal every now and then. The punter catches, drops, and kicks. 

The position of full-time kicker and punter should be eliminated from the NFL. I'd love to see coaches' decisions on who would take the kickoff, or kick that game-winning 45-yard field goal as time expired. And how fun would it be to see Clay Matthews kicking away on 4th down? If it's a bad snap, the entire scenario is changed. I trust Clay Matthews with the ball on a botched play. I do not trust a punter.